How To Start Your Own Cult
Cult Imagery

Thursday, May 1, 2014
Cults Defined: Then and Now
1 : formal religious veneration : worship 2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual ; also : its body of adherents 3 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious ; also : its body of adherents 4 : a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator <health cults> 5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book) ; especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion
Cults began as way for people to express their freedom of religion. Cults were first studied as a religious behavior in the 1930s. This study of cults was orchestrated by the Christian Countercult Movement which criticized and ostracized any members of secular groups. In the 1970s the anti-cult movement began which was in response to radical and violent acts that had been recently increasing in severity. These acts of violence were caused by emerging cults. The word cult in modern day terminology is going out it is more common to hear New Religious Movement, Alternative Religion, and Novel Religion when describing a modern day cult. Cult is said to have too many negative connotations attached to it due to the popularity of mass media and communications. Max Weber a sociologist in the late 1800s found that cults are either based on one of two trains of thought. The first is charismatic leadership which states that whoever is the charismatic authority in a situation pushes the boundaries set by your own rational and traditional mental authority. This means that you will be willing to do things you rationally would never do on your own except that this charismatic authority is so convincing and coercive that you are no longer thinking with a traditional mindset. The second is epistemological individualism which is where there is no definitive leader of the group beyond the individual members.
Final Step: Assimilation

Fourth Step: Make Demands
Starting small begin to
make more and more increasingly high demands from your followers. You
must first begin with demanding your followers time. To completely
absorb your followers time you must create lengthy sermons that occur
many times during the week. You must create positions of value in the
group so that way the members will have a goal to work toward in the
cult. You must then demand some sort of monetary donation that
becomes necessary to keep the group financially stable. Mind control
is a very important part of securing the obedience of your followers.
You must make them trust your guidance more than their own free will,
logic, and common sense. You then need to decide are you going to
make your cult religious, commercial, or political. Each has their
own set of pros, cons, and conditions to their growth but it is best
to decide your focus that way you can convince your followers that
your decisions are the best for the group. As a religious cult you
can either follow a religion or create your own belief system you
must demand blind faith from your followers. An example of a
religious cult would be the New Age Movement which hopes to create
world wide communism. As a commercial cult you would demand money
from your followers and lead them to believe that you will all become
rich based on your proposed plan of action for the family. An example
of a commercial cult could be considered the U.S. Government which is
based on greed When you are a political cult you must have an
adversary to pit your followers against that is the Arch enemy of
your group. The negative focus must be on the enemy. An example of a
political cult would be the Nazis who made the Jewish community their
target during World War II.
Third Step: Isolation
In this third section of my guide i'm going to cover the major concepts of beginning a cult. Now that you have a following and an outlet it is now time to find a location. When selecting a compound for your cult you must select a building that is on a large area of land. There must not be neighbors for miles and it would be even better if you have a large fence built around it. The focus is on isloation because when starting a cult you must create your own reality. It is very hard to do that when there are outside influences that can taint your followers. They must be completely under your control 24/7. You must control what time they wake, sleep, eat, and shower. You have to maintain a strict schedule so that they will constantly be busy. A busy person is someone that doesn't have time to think. You must begin your own school on your compound and control and distort what you teach so that the children are brought up following your aforementioned doctrine.
Top 10 Most Notorious Cults
10. Heaven's Gate
They believed aliens would take them to heaven. 39 members committed suicide during the Haley Bopp comet.
9. Ho No Hana:
This cult believed their leader could diagnose diseases through reading their feet. This cult had over 30,000 members at its peak.
8. Order of the Solar Temple:
This cult committed many murder suicides in the 90s. They were highly involved in money laundering and gun trafficking.
7. Aum Shinrikyo:
Doomsday Cult that feared the end of the world due to the start of a World War III. This cult committed a Sarin gas attack on a subway station in Tokyo.
6. Chen Tao:
This cult believed God would rescue them from earth with flying saucers. They predicted that God would appear on television and he did not.
5. Manson Family:
This cult believed an apocolyptic race war was predicted by the Beatles song " Helter Skelter". This group committed murders trying to ignite the war themselves.
4. Restoration of the 10 Commandments:
This cult predicted that the world was going to end in the year 2000. When the world didn't end the leaders of the cult were executed during mass.
3. Branch Davidians:
This cult had an end of days plan to hoard weapons and ammunition for the end of the world. Their stockpiling ended when they were raided by the FBI for a 51 day siege of their compound.
2. Raelian Church:
This cult believed that aliens arrived over 25,000 years ago and created human beings. They seek immortality through seeking the technology needed for cloning and mind transfer.
1. The People's Temple:
This cult attempted to build a Utopia for the Reverend Jim Jones. This cult was so controlled by the Reverend that it led to the Jonestown Massacre where 900 members committed suicide by willingly drinking poison while Jim Jones chose the alterior route and shot himself.
Cult References in Popular Culture
The psychological process behind this story as that the founding group members saw Luke as someone that could potentially manipulate into a position of power in the community and manipulate for their usage at any point in time. Basically they are creating their own judges, lawyers, and government officials to be able to do what they want which is how they have so many perks as being a part of their group. They can get you out of trouble legally and could get you into any college. That is a very tempting offer to someone with very little financially and the inability to attain these things of value on their own accord. Luke was looking at it for his benefits without looking at how the elitist fraternity really needed his assets that he could bring to their members. Luke seems to be a very easy target as a new member because of his willingness to fit into a new school with new people. He must have felt honored to be asked to join and didn't feel the need to question intentions and motives.
Rosemary's Baby was a very pivotal movie when it came out because it crossed lines that a lot of movies wouldn't cross during that time period. Touching on satanism, devil worshiping, and child sacrifice.The story begins with a pregnant woman that is scared that her husband and neighbors have something horrific that they are hiding from her. She comes to find out after doing her own investigation that her husband promised their unborn child to the neighbors to be apart of their sacrificial ritual to Satan. He chose to give their child as a sacrifice because he wanted success in his acting career. Rosemary is held by the neighbors in a secret room in her home and she gives birth. After she gives birth she thinks everything was just a dream because she still has her baby. The only problem is that her baby has demon eyes.
In this story the psychological process is almost the same as "The Skulls" the father of the child is tempted with wealth and power by the cult group which would be considered the neighbors. The neighbors were formed and had probably gained his trust in the community and convinced him to join by promising to make all of his dreams come true the same as the fraternity did to Luke. When recruiting for a cult it is beneficial to seek out individuals who are in the lower socioeconomic class because they are more cooperative when it comes to being coerced into joining the cult. You must always tell your recruits what they want to hear when attempting to speak with them about joining. It is beneficial to gain their trust because they will believe that you only want what is best for them.
Cults Throughout History

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