Cult Imagery

Cult Imagery

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Third Step: Isolation

In this third section of my guide i'm going to cover the major concepts of beginning a cult. Now that you have a following and an outlet it is now time to find a location. When selecting a compound for your cult you must select a building that is on a large area of land. There must not be neighbors for miles and it would be even better if you have a large fence built around it. The focus is on isloation because when starting a cult you must create your own reality. It is very hard to do that when there are outside influences that can taint your followers. They must be completely under your control 24/7. You must control what time they wake, sleep, eat, and shower. You have to maintain a strict schedule so that they will constantly be busy. A busy person is someone that doesn't have time to think. You must begin your own school on your compound and control and distort what you teach so that the children are brought up following your aforementioned doctrine.

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